Hydractive 100


Hydractive 100 is a new-generation skin microbiome enhancer and sustainable moisturizer. Helps to re-organize the microbiome with selective microbiome booster.

With bacterial fermentation; It was obtained by extracting Acemannan, 1,3 -1,4 ß-Glucan, Avenanthramides, and unique sugars from aloe vera and oat.

Acemannan is a polysaccharide found in the aloe vera plant that has skin structural repair properties.

Acemannan has a unique molecular structure that allows it to penetrate easily into the skin's surface and interact with fibroblasts.

Acemannan has also been found to have moisturizing and hydrating effects on the skin, which can help to improve skin texture and appearance.

Beta-glucan has been recognized for its ability to act as a natural humectant, which means it can help hydrate and moisturize the skin.

When applied topically, beta-glucan helps to prevent water loss by creating a barrier that locks in moisture and protects the skin from environmental stressors.

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